Guitar News: Fender Custom Shop
Fender Custom Shop Yngwie Malmsteen 'Neo-Relic' Music Zoo Exclusive Strats! Watch our Specs & Video Demo Now!
Teambuilt Fender Custom Shop Yngwie Malmsteen Strats with relic'd nitrocellulose finishes built for The Music Zoo are available now! This...
Fender Custom Shop Limited Edition Masterbuilt Joe Strummer Telecaster
Just Announced: A Recreation of Joe Strummer's Famous Telecaster by Paul Waller! If you're a fan of The Clash and...
The Music Zoo Celebrates our 30th Anniversary with the Charvel, Fender & Jackson Masterbuilders!
Reflecting on Ultimate Relics, favorite guitarists, memorable builds with Dale Wilson, Jason Smith, 'Red' Dave Nichols, Dennis Galuszka & More...
Fender Custom Shop Telecaster Plus Heavy Relic: Product Review and Video Demo Playthrough
A Fender Custom Shop guitar that brings back the 1990s Cult Classic and an Alternative Rock hero: the Telecaster Plus!...
Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt 1962 Poblano Stratocaster: Product Review and Video Demo Playthrough
A Masterbuilt Stratocaster with relic looks and high output pickups that are perfect for overdriven tones. This is the '62...
Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt Andy Hicks '69 Stratocasters: Review and Video Demo Playthrough
A single-pickup heavy relic Stratocaster spec'd by The Music Zoo and made by Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilder Andy Hicks! If...
Fender Custom Shop Retrospective with The Music Zoo: Our Builds, Exclusive Runs, Industry-Changing Specs over the Years!
Since humble beginnings in 1994, The Music Zoo has worked with the Fender Custom Shop to create original ideas and...
Fender Custom Shop Music Zoo Exclusive ZF Stratocaster and Telecasters: Product Review, History & Video Demo Playthrough
The ZF (Zoo-Floyd) Strat and Tele offers hot-rodded Floyd Rose tremolos and awesome relic finish packages at the Fender Custom...
Fender Custom Shop Dual Mag II Stratocaster: Product Review and Video Demo Playthrough
Here's a new Fender Custom Shop pickup with two magnets for a well-balanced sound meant specifically for each string: the...
Introducing the Fender Custom Shop Jerry Garcia Alligator Stratocaster!
A Recreation of Jerrys famed '55 Stratocaster - Only 100 Pieces Masterbuilt by Austin MacNutt! If you're a fan of...
NAMM 2020: Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster 1 Saleen-Inspired Guitar Masterbuilt by Ron Thorn!
The Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster 1 takes aesthetic and functional cues from Saleen's latest supercar! NAMM 2020 was all...
NAMM 2020: Fender Custom Shop Coronation Stratocaster Masterbuilt by Yuriy Shishkov!
Fender Custom Shop kicks things off with their show-stopping 23-karat gold leaf Coronation Stratocaster built by Yuriy Shishkov! The magnificent...