Electric Guitar Brands
- 4
- 48th Street
- 48th Street Custom
- A
- Aluminati
- Aria
- Artinger
- B
- B3
- BC Rich
- Brian Moore
- Burny
- C
- Caparison
- Charvel
- Colletti Guitars
- Collings
- Crook
- D
- Dean
- Dunable
- Dwight
- D’Haitre Guitars
- E
- Eastman
- Eastwood
- Edwards
- Epiphone
- F
- Fender
- Fender Custom Shop
- Frank Hartung
- FU-Tone
- G
- G&L
- Gibson
- Gibson Custom Shop
- Giffin
- GJ2
- Godin
- Greco
- Gretsch
- Guild
- H
- Hamer
- Harden
- I
- Ibanez
- J
- Jackson
- Jimmy Trigg
- K
- Kauer
- Kay
- Klon
- Knaggs
- Kramer
- L
- Landon
- Lerxst
- Line 6
- M
- Mayones
- Mirabella
- Mosrite
- Mule
- N
- Novo
- P
- Paoletti
- Powers Electric
- R
- Ritter Instruments
- S
- Schecter
- Siggi Braun
- Squier
- Suhr
- T
- Taylor
- Tokai
- Tom Anderson
- V
- Vicious Guitars
- W
- Wayne
- Westone
- Y
- Yamaha
About Our Electric Guitar Brands
Shop for electric guitars at The Music Zoo online now or visit our showroom in New York. This is a list of all brands currently in stock in our electric guitar category. We keep a great selection of new, used and vintage gear on-hand at all times. In addition to be being an Authorized Online Dealer for top brands like Fender, Gibson, PRS, Ibanez and ESP, we source the world'd finest used gear. You never know what brands and models will be in stock and ready to rock at The Music Zoo. Choose from Les Paul, Stratocaster, Telecaster, Archtop, ES-335 and more! Call or email us today for an in hand description of any guitar.