Used & Vintage Guitar Brands
- 4
- 48th Street
- 48th Street Custom
- A
- Airline
- Aluminati
- Ampeg
- Aria
- Artinger
- B
- B3
- Bacchus
- BC Rich
- Bedell
- Breedlove
- Brian Moore
- Burny
- C
- Caparison
- Carlo Greco
- Charvel
- Collings
- Crook
- D
- Danelectro
- Dean
- DeArmond
- Dr. Z
- Dwight
- D’Haitre Guitars
- E
- Eastman
- Eastwood
- Echopark
- Edwards
- Epiphone
- F
- Fender
- Fender Custom Shop
- Fishman
- Frank Hartung
- Friedman
- Fuchs
- G
- G&L
- Gallatin
- Gibson
- Gibson Custom Shop
- Giffin
- GJ2
- Godin
- Goodall
- Greco
- Gretsch
- Guild
- H
- Hamer
- Harmony
- Huss & Dalton
- I
- Ibanez
- J
- Jackson
- Jerry Jones
- Jimmy Trigg
- K
- Kala
- Kay
- Kent
- Klon
- Knaggs
- Kramer
- Kremona
- L
- Landon
- Laurel
- Lectrolab
- Line 6
- Lowden
- M
- Maestro
- Magnatone Amplifiers
- Mancuso
- Marshall
- Martin
- Mayones
- McPherson
- Mesa Boogie
- Milkman
- Mirabella
- Mosrite
- Mule
- N
- National
- Noble
- Novo
- O
- Octave Plateau
- Ovation
- P
- Paoletti
- Premier
- R
- Ritter Instruments
- Rob Allen
- S
- Schecter
- Seagull
- Siggi Braun
- Silvertone
- Spector
- Squier
- Suhr
- Supro
- T
- Takamine
- Taylor
- Teisco
- Texosound
- The Music Zoo
- Tokai
- Tom Anderson
- V
- Vicious Guitars
- Vox Amplifiers
- W
- Wayne
- Webster
- Westone
- Y
- Yamaha
About Our Used & Vintage Guitar Brands
The Music Zoo is your source for awesome used and vintage guitars. Here is our list of all in stock used brands. We carry basses and amplifiers too. We source our used gear from all over the world and work hard to keep a deep selection of products on hand. You never know what kind of vintage Les Paul, Masterbuilt Stratocaster, Martin Dreadnought or Taylor Acoustic is going to walk in on trade! Visit our showroom on Long Island in New York to play one today!